Welcome to this week’s installment of From Our Friends, a weekly roundup where we highlight some of our favorite posts, published by our friends and partners around the web.
Spring is in the air! And even if winter still lingers in your region, a great cure for cabin fever is a renewing spring cleaning, some reflection and self-improvement. This week’s edition includes a list of some of the yuckiest places we often overlook when cleaning, an eye-opening reminder that ‘healthy’ fast food upgrades are really pretty bogus, why managing calories may not need to be the daunting task we make it, how to give back with your organic supplement purchases, tips and tricks for saving money on toiletries and essentials, a behind-the-scenes look at how Olympians built a quality diet and exercise routine, dynamite disinfecting wipes DIY to keep germs and toxins both out of your way, how to shake off your clingy addiction to old-fashioned plastic wrap and go eco-friendly, and what to expect when going Paleo. Enjoy!
1. Stopping at fast food isn’t too terrible since there are so many healthy new menu items, right? Wrong. The Gloss Health collected recent fast food announcements meant to encourage us to start stopping in because they’re making positive changes, but actually just remind us that fast food is still pretty gross!
2. Prepare for an icky reality check. HooplaHa reminds us of some of the yuckiest places we often overlook when cleaning, and shouldn’t. (But be sure to work around some mainstream cleaner suggestions with natural bleach alternatives and other environmentally-friendly remedies!)
3. Should you quit obsessing and let your body count its own calories? “The Calorie Myth” author Jonathan Bailor tells WellandGoodNYC that your body can manage just fine without a calculator, as long as you add the right food to your plate. Are you willing to stop doing the math or have you seen resulting from carefully keeping track?
4. Do something good for your body and the planet both, in one easy step. The Organic Whey wants to make a difference, and is proud to contribute 1% of its sales to 1% for the Planet. Look for their logo when you shop, and consider membership for your company too. Shop with The Organic Whey (now available via Amazon.ca) and check off two of those New Year’s resolutions at once.
5. If you groan every time you’re on your last razor, don’t fret. Ecosalon compiled a list of ways to save money on the most pesky of women’s products. From deodorant to shaving cream, clothing to dry cleaning, women actually pay more than men for their everyday essentials–until now! Learn how to save money on the products you buy most.
6. For Olympic athletes, eating a quality mega-calorie diet is a challenge in itself! Experience Life Magazine discusses just how the medalists meet the rigorous demands of diet and training.
7. The flu bug is going around, but please resist the temptations of disinfecting wipes– that bleachy smell, that grab-and-go convenience– and instead remember those poisonous, germ-killing toxins. Do a disinfecting DIY instead with Crafting a Green World‘s for homemade cleaners and wipes. Whew!
8. Ready to finally shake off that clingy mess? MightyNest shares how to free yourself from toxic cling wrap with three wonderful eco-friendly alternatives to help stick to your green ideals in the kitchen.
9. If you’ve been curious about going Paleo, our pals at Fit Bottomed Girls put together a great list of what to expect, from social interactions to health and wellness results. What is your personal experience with Paleo eating, and what would you add to this list?
From Our Friends: February 14, 2014
From Our Friends: January 31, 2014
From Our Friends: January 24, 2014
Photo via OrganicAuthority
You can follow Spencer on Twitter @SpencerKent
The post From Our Friends: February 21, 2014 appeared first on Organic Authority.